H2 STORFLOOD-Unsteady and steady state H2-Brine relative permeameter
The H2 STORFLOOD is aimed at
researchers who study geological porous reservoirs to provide the volume
capacity needed for large scale underground hydrogen storage (UHS). The device
characterizes the hydrogen transport properties inside porous rocks and
precisely measures the hydrogen-water relative permeabilities in both steady
and unsteady state modes at pressure and temperature conditions.
Max confining pressure: 10,000 psi
Max pore pressure: 10,000 psi
Max H2 pressure: 2,500 psi
Max working temperature: 100°C
Test flow type: Unsteady state and steady state
Core diameter: 1" and 1"1/2 other upon request
Core length: 1” to 6” other upon request
Material: Stainless steel 316L
Electrical: 220 VAC 50/60 Hz, 1 ph
Fluid: H2, brine
* Accurately determines H2-brine relative permeability under unsteady state mode at reservoir pressure and temperature conditions
* Equipped with H2 leak detectors
* H2 generator and compressor included. No need for H2 cylinders.