Measuring the storage capacity of a C02 sequestration reservoir
Several projects that deal with theoretical and pilot research on CO2 storage in geological formations are currently underway. The main objective of these projects is to find out whether the CO2 storage in geological formations is economically feasible and environmentally safe. In many countries the most perspective formations for storing this gas are connected with oil and gas reservoirs.
Our range of gas permeameters and porosimeters determine the porosity, permeability and grain density for clastic sedimentary rock samples which are drilled from an underground gas storage facility. For ascertaining the CO2 storage capability, the knowledge of porosity and permeability values of a natural reservoir is essential.
For instance, in a depleted oil-field, the capacity of the CO2 storage space depends on the pore space freed after oil production and the pore space that is filled with water under the oil bearing horizon. Depleted oil- and gas- fields represent suitable porous rock structures either for CO2 sequestration or for underground storage of imported natural gas.
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