Ultra High Vacuum Technologies
Vinci Technology manufactures and provides a broad range of laboratory and specific field instrumentation for the oil and gas industry. In 2008, Vinci Technologies acquired Meca 2000, a renowned French company that pioneered the Ultra High Vacuum industry in the 1980s.
The vacuum division draws from a rich expertise to design and manufacture thin film deposition systems dedicated to R&D or small scale production.
Our systems can be customized and provide the major Physical and Chemical Vapor Deposition (PVD & CVD) techniques:
Thermal and E-beam evaporation
Pulsed laser deposition (PLD)
Molecular beam epitaxy (MBE)
Plasma Enhanced CVD
Our instruments can integrate surface analysis such as XPS, AES, RHEED…
Additionally, we provide a full range of hardware components to all laboratories which need to upgrade or support the operation of their existing equipment:
Substrate manipulators : multi-axis, heating/cooling
Ion pumps (incl. refurbishment of existing pumps)
Vacuum transfer tunnels
HV & UHV components (valves, feedthroughs, chambers, KF/ISO/CF components, etc…)
Our customers applications include semiconductors, display technologies (OLED devices, …), sensors, energy (solar cells, …), aerospace, optics and coatings (hard coating, decorative….)