
Evaluating CO2/brine multiphase migration processes for C02 sequestration

Today, CO2 geosequestration is considered as a very promising technique to store CO2 captured from high intensity CO2 emission industries in sedimentary formations such as deep saline aquifers and depleted hydrocarbon reservoirs in order to reduce CO2 emissions in the atmosphere.
The Vinci Technologies Coreflooding system is a perfect tool to investigate CO2/brine multiphase migration processes in subsurface geological formation. The setup conducts experiments on core samples under natural reservoir conditions in order to understand how brine and supercritical CO2 would move through the pore space. C02-brine-rock interactions and the effect of temperature, pressure and brine salinity on permeability can be studied.  Using the results of coreflooding experiments, researchers can predict the storage capacity and potential security of CO2 geosequestration sites. 

Click here to get the product details:   STORFLOOD


Evaluating CO2/brine multiphase migration processes  for C02 sequestration