Trimming / End face Grinder


Bench top tool designed to cut core samples to pre-set lengths. The apparatus features an end-face grinder on the other side which yields an extreme precision of 0.002 inch (5/100 mm) of the end face after trimming.


Saw blades diameter: 200 mm (8'')
Saw blades thickness: 2 mm
Grinding precision: +/- 0.001 inch (2.5 / 100 mm)
Grinding wheel diameter: 150 mm
Core diameter: up to 2'' Core length: 2", 3" other upon request
Lubricants: Water (usually),
Oil Power supply: 220 VAC 1 ph 50 / 60 Hz
Motor power: 550 W, 3,000 RPM
Weight: 40 kg
Volume: 700x800x600 mm