GASFLOOD-Core flood system for EOR by gas injection
The GASFLOOD is a fully automated, modular core flooding system built specifically to evaluate the efficiency of enhanced oil recovery by means of miscible or immiscible gas injection. The versatile system performs water flooding, gas flooding and WAG (water-alternating-gas) flooding. By virtue of the unsteady state method, the apparatus determines not only gas and liquid relative permeabilities but also residual oil saturation, post-water flood displacement efficiency, incremental oil recovery and water production as a function of gas injection. The device is also compatible with carbon dioxide (CO2). Optionally, the core holder can be positioned vertically to study the gravity segregation effect. The results from such studies are useful in optimizing gas injection and WAG schemes.
Maximum confining pressure: 700 bar (10,000 psi)
Maximum pore pressure: 700 bar (10,000psi)
Maximum working temperature: 150°C
Core diameter: 1”5 (other upon request)
Core length: 4” to 6” (other upon request)
Pressure taps: 3 (other upon request)
Wetted parts: Hastelloy
Position: Horizontal and vertical
Power supply: 220VAC, 50Hz
Air requirement: 7 bar (100 psi)