BRP 350-Bench top unsteady state relative permeameter


The BRP350 determines, under reservoir-representative confining pressure, both absolute and two-phase relative permeabilities to liquids. A core plug is fitted into a Viton sleeve and inserted into a Hydrostatic core holder. Liquid is injected at constant flow rate into the core via the single inlet. Absolute permeability is determined via the Darcy method, while the unsteady state relative permeability is calculated by virtue of the standard Jones and Rozelle equations. The system comprises two floating piston accumulators, an injection HPLC pump, a hassler core holder, an overburden pressure pump, a back pressure regulator and a video separator for produced fluid measurement. Optionally, the system can be upgraded to perform liquid/gas relative permeability measurements.


Confining pressure: 350 bar (5,000psi)
Pore pressure: 350 bar (5,000psi)
Temperature : ambient
Core diameter: 1" or 1''1/2
Core length: 1'' to 3''
Loading type: Hydrostatic
Wetted material: stainless steel
N2: 2,000 psi
Power: 110-220 VAC, 50 or 60 Hz