FLASS-Flow Assurance System
The FLASS system allows for complete reservoir fluid PVT studies and a variety of asphaltene and wax solid deposition experiments, including constant mass expansion, differential vaporization, separator test, swelling tests, isothermal depressurization and isobaric temperature decrease experiments, titration experiments, bulk filtration tests, particle size distribution, and solids onset determination. The apparatus can accurately detect and quantify organic solid precipitation at onset conditions. The system enables the identification of solid particles and size & morphology monitoring of wax crystals and asphaltene solids as a function of temperature, pressure, time and various chemical treatments. Solid detection is achieved by virtue of a solid detection system with a laser source. An organic solid filtration system is used to determine the amount of solid deposits as a function of pressure, temperature or fluid composition and a High-Pressure microscope permits a visual observation of solid precipitation and displacement.
Pressure range: up to 15,000 psi
Temperature range: Ambient to 200°C (cooling option: -20°C)
Volume: up to 200 cc
Wetted material: Stainless steel, sapphire.
* Versatile system (Phase behaviour studies and complete solid deposition experiments)
* Full description of the asphatenes precipitation (pressure, temperature, growth, morphology,..)