This module serves as an effective tool for calibrating kinetic parameters derived from either the Quick Kinetics or Multi-Kinetics modules. These parameters are then input into the Quick Modeling module to simulate the client's basin production, which is subsequently compared to actual production data. Multiple sets of kinetic parameters are tested to identify the best fit with real-world production.
If the client provides information on their basin's burial history, including factors like formation depth, geological time, and geothermal gradient, the module can be used to determine the basin's maturity degree (Ro) using simulated Vitrinite reflectance, transformation ratio (TR), and quantities of produced hydrocarbons.
In cases where the client's basin burial law is unavailable, users have the option to use the reference model of the Parisian sedimentary basin included with this module. This model comes with both the burial law (sedimentary data) and actual experimental production data, including transformation ratios and hydrocarbon content in mg/g TOC.
To operate this module, the Quick Kinetics and/or Multi-Kinetics modules are prerequisites.