Rock Eval 7S analyser

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The Rock-Eval 7S is the latest fully automated Vinci instrument that performs geochemical analysis of kerogen-containing rock samples. The powerful device, determines via high-temperature pyrolysis and subsequent oxidation, the critical kerogen and kinetics parameters which allow for example, the determination of Total Organic Carbon content (TOC), mineral carbon content (MINC), kerogen type, well log correlations and petroleum generation modelling. Specifically, the pyrolysis and oxidation products are measured by a Flame Ionization Detector (for Hydrogen containing compounds) and an Infrared cell (for oxygen-containing products). The feature distinguishing the RE-7S is its ability to evaluate the sulfur content of samples from the byproducts of pyrolysis and oxidation. In addition to the two ovens, a third oven has been implemented to convert all sulfur containing samples into SO2. Moreover, a ceramic oven is utilized for the oxidation vessel due to the high-temperature required to trigger the sulfur products’ effluence. Data from the RE-7S can be input into the Vinci GEOWORKS software to compute rock characterization parameters, e.g. Hydrogen and Oxygen indices, shape factors etc.

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Pyrolysis oven temperature: 40 to 850°C
Pyrolysis SO oven temperature: up to 900°C
Oxidation oven temperature: 200 to 1200°C
Oven temperature rates: adjustable from 0.1 up to 50°C/mn, with 0.1 °C step
Material of crucible: Alumina
Auto sampler capacity: 48 samples
Detector: FID for hydrocarbons and IR for CO/CO2 and UV for SO2
Gas carrier: Nitrogen (pyrolysis) and air (oxydation)
Power supply: 110-220 VAC, 50 or 60 Hz