Hydrocarbon compositional analyzer
Determining hydrocarbon’s molecular composition is the ultimate step of PVT analysis. Achieved via Gas Chromatography (GC), the results of the analysis can be utilized to select the most appropriate production facilities (e.g. separators, sulfur removal, pipelines) and estimating the overall potential economic profit of a project. Following the live oil sample’s flash separation process at ambient conditions in a gasometer, liquid and gas samples are collected and transferred into the GC Analyzer. The analysis of hydrocarbon gas and liquid phases are carried out using two specially configured Agilent 7890-A gas chromatographs. A Vinci proprietary software uses the data files of the gas and liquid GC to generate the PVT compositional reports including the separator report, the separator liquid and the recombined sample.
Performing the analysis described above requires the following:
* Methodology for gas analysis
* Methodology for oil analysis
* Gas analyzer based on chromatograph 7890 A for light and heavy gas analysis.
* Liquid analyzer based chromatograph 7890 A for dead oil analysis.
* Chemstation (acquisition software) and a computer for the two chromatographs
* Reporting facilities to generate the PVT reports.
* Cryette for total molecular weight determination
* GOR determination facility to deduce the composition of the recombined live oil sample.
* Hydrocarbons analysis up to C36
* Weight %, mole %, volume % provided
* Molecular weight and distribution up to C36
* Reporting facilities provided